
Ask Dr. Wentz (多謝Justin的友情贊助~)




Q:Hi Dr.Wentz, I was wondering about the best time to take our supplements?
I know that it is best to take with a meal, but more precisely, what is the best
time to get maximum benefit? 10 minutes before? 5 Minutes? 10 seconds? during?
Thanks. Casey

A: Thanks for the question, Casey. There are basically three good reasons
to take your supplements with a meal. The absorption of some fat-soluble
vitamins is improved when taken during a meal containing some fat. For those who
are sensitive, taking the supplements with a meal also helps buffer the stomach
and reduce potential stomach upset. And, lastly, taking the supplements with a
meal helps build a good habit, enabling people to gain the benefits of more
consistent supplementation. Although there isn’t necessarily a specific time
during the meal that is important for optimal benefit, taking the supplements at
the end of a meal is generally most effective at increasing absorption and
reducing any stomach irritation.

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